Thursday, August 30, 2012

Obama Speech On Future America

An open letter from Christians to Christians Chapter 4 Arab-Israeli Peace—The Biblical Perspective The road to actual peace between Israel and the Arabs is full of land mines. Whether or not any kind of peace is actually attained, the Scriptures indicate that this current "peace process," will precipitate another Arab-Israeli war. Bible-believing Christians view the "peace process" with great prophetic interest. Those who have a short prophetic time frame expect this peace process will position Israel in the prophetic setting of Ezekiel 38:11—dwelling "at rest," "without walls and having neither bars nor gates." Then very soon Gog and his associates would invade Israel resulting in the destruction of our world order (Ezekiel 38 & 39). However, the Scriptures indicate another war between Israel and the Arabs before this drama of Ezekiel's prophecy can unfold. Therefore, whether or not peace is temporarily attained, this "peace process" will set in motion a series of events that will precipitate another Arab-Israeli war….But an Israeli-Arab war need only delay Gog's invasion by a matter of months.

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