Monday, December 7, 2015

Stand For

Pray for Israel’s Fallen: Richard Lakin

(Photo: facebook)
(Photo: facebook)
Born in the United States, Richard Lakin had helped with the Civil Rights Movement, before making aliyah (immigrating) to Israel, where he was a much-loved English teacher to Jewish and Arab children alike. On October 13, Mr. Lakin, 76, was riding a bus in Jerusalem when two terrorists began shooting and stabbing the bus’ passengers. Two men were killed in the attack, while Mr. Lakin and several others were seriously wounded. Shot in the head and stabbed multiple times, the beloved teacher and grandfather of eight passed away from his injuries two years later.
Please join us in prayer today for Richard’s loved ones and the many whose lives he touched during his time on earth. Pray for God’s comfort over his family, and please continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
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Monday, December 7th, 2015 at 1:42 PM  | Stand for Israel

For Parisian Jews, Celebrating Hanukkah Is a Miracle

(Photo: flickr/gabrilu)
(Photo: flickr/gabrilu)
This past year, Paris has seen more than its share of terror – beginning with the shootings at the Charlie Hebdo newspaper offices and a Jewish supermarket and continuing with the recent attacks that left 130 dead. These attacks and ongoing anti-Semitism against the country’s Jewish communities have left many French Jews in fear. But The Times of Israel’s Greg Scruggs reports on the hope these Jewish people are finding this Hanukkah, as they are still able to celebrate the Festival of Lights:
Heavily armed police officers mingled with parents pushing strollers and curious onlookers Sunday night as the Parisian Jewish community held its 27th annual Hanukkah menorah lighting at the foot of the Eiffel Tower.
Following the November 13 terrorist attacks that paralyzed Paris, French authorities declared an “état d’urgence,” which on paper includes a ban on public gatherings. Call it a Hanukkah miracle, but despite the ongoing state of emergency, the Festival of Lights arrived in the City of Light.
“We are very happy that the police took into consideration the possibility of doing it and gave us the right permission,” said Rabbi Mendel Azimov, president of Chabad of Paris.
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Monday, December 7th, 2015 at 9:23 AM  | Stand for Israel

Live Updates:
Terror in Israel

(Photo: IDF)
(Photo: IDF)
December 7, 2015 – 8:00 a.m.
An Israeli man in his 40s was stabbed and seriously injured by a terrorist at the Cave of the Patriarchs.
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December 6, 2015 – 6:00 p.m.
Two injured in a stabbing and car-ramming terror attack in Jerusalem.
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December 4, 2015 – 8:00 a.m.
Four IDF soldiers have been wounded in three separate terror attacks – two stabbings and a car-ramming – already this Friday.
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December 3, 2015 – 8:00 a.m.
IDF soldier and Israeli civilian shot near Jerusalem by a Palestinian security official.
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November 29, 2015 – 10:00 a.m.
Two stabbings in Jerusalem on Sunday – a police officer and a woman in her 30s.
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November 27, 2015 – 3:36 p.m.
Border Police officer stabbed in Nahariya
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November 27, 2015 – 5:42 a.m
Eight IDF soldiers wounded in two vehicular attacks
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November 25, 2015 – 9:00 a.m.
A 20-year-old Israeli man was seriously injured in a terrorist stabbing in Hebron.
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November 24, 2015 – 7:30 a.m.
Three IDF soldiers and an Israeli Border Police officer were wounded in a terrorist car-ramming attack in the West Bank
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November 23, 2015 – 7:00 a.m.
Two young Israelis – a 20-year-old IDF soldier and a 21-year-old woman – were killed in terrorist stabbings over the last 24 hours.
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November 19, 2015 – 9:00 a.m.
Three have been killed and many more have been injured in a two-pronged shooting and car-ramming attack in Gush Etzion in the West Bank.
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November 19, 2015 – 7:30 a.m.
Two Israelis were killed and two more were wounded in a stabbing attack while they prayed in Tel Aviv.
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Monday, December 7th, 2015 at 8:16 AM  | Stand For Israel

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San Bernardino Gunwoman Pledged Allegiance to ISIS

(Photo: wikicommons/Yo)
(Photo: wikicommons/Yo)
Today, Stand for Israel reported to you that evidence suggests this week’s deadly shooting in San Bernardino, California, was an act of terrorism. Now, The New York Times’ Michael S. Schmidt is reporting that one of the two shooters had pledged her allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS):
The woman who helped carry out the shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., on Wednesday had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State in a Facebook posting, according to federal law enforcement officials.
There’s no evidence the group directed the woman, Tashfeen Malik, and her husband Syed Rizwan Farook, to launch the attacks, which killed 14 and wounded 21, said the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation is continuing.
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Friday, December 4th, 2015 at 10:35 AM  | Stand for Israel

Pray for the Recent Victims of Terror

(Photo: Noam Moskowitz)
(Photo: Noam Moskowitz)
“For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.(2 Chronicles 16:9)
As Shabbat nears, the fallen and wounded – both in Israel and around the world – should be in our prayers. Please pray for the families of the 14 people killed in the shooting in San Bernardino, California, as well as the healing of all those wounded in the attack.
And please join us in praying for the complete recovery of:
  • The four IDF soldiers wounded on Friday in stabbing and car-ramming attacks.
  • The two Israelis – an IDF soldier and a civilian – who were shot and wounded in an attack by a Palestinian security official on Thursday.
  • The two Israelis – a police officer and a woman in her 30s – who were injured in two separate stabbings in Jerusalem on Monday.
Also, please continue to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” (Psalm 122:6), as well as for Israel’s brave fighting men and women, who stand at the front lines of the war on terror.

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Friday, December 4th, 2015 at 9:44 AM  | Stand For Israel

Photo Friday: The President’s Cat

(Photo: facebook/ReuvenRivlin)
(Photo: facebook/ReuvenRivlin)
Last week, we reported to you on Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to Israel. Here, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin’s cat stakes his own claim to the diplomatic red carpet. Meow! Shabbat shalom, friends.
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Friday, December 4th, 2015 at 9:34 AM  | Stand for Israel

Israel, the Media, and Double Standards

Using nothing but his wit and a video camera, Israeli journalist Zvika Klein has been exposing the double standards and discrimination faced by Jews and the Jewish state, both in Europe and in the international media.
A few months ago, Klein walked the streets of Paris wearing a kippah – the skullcap worn by Orthodox Jews – while being filmed with a hidden camera. His intent was to show how Jews are harassed in the streets of Paris, and to cast light on how widespread anti-Semitic sentiment has become in Europe.
When Zvika walked through a Muslim neighborhood, he was taunted and cursed at, and a few people spat as he walked past. But even in parts of Paris less populated by Muslims, he still experienced some harassment, like the passerby who yelled “Viva Palestine!”
Zvika’s social experiment garnered a lot of attention. Nearly 5 million people watched his YouTube clip. Suddenly, due to this footage, European anti-Semitism in Europe was shown to be fact and not just opinion.
Now, the daring Israeli journalist is at it again. But this time, his target is the media and the double standard it applies to terrorist attacks perpetrated against Israelis.
The current wave of terror Israel is facing has received slanted coverage in the world media, promoting a narrative where the Jewish state is the aggressor, and the Palestinians are passive victims. This biased reporting emboldens Palestinian terrorists, tarnishes Israel’s reputation, and delegitimizes its right to defend its citizens.
But Zvika Klein has simply and brilliantly exposed that no sensible western person would accept such shoddy journalism if it pertained to terror on Western soil.
To prove this, Klein interviewed people walking past Paris’ Place De La Republique, where thousands have come to pay their respects to victims of the recent attacks in France.
Holding a fabricated headline which read “7 men shot dead during Paris attack; 129 dead,” Klein asked passersby if it was a fair depiction of what actually took place.
The responses were understandable – people quickly condemned it, and even showed anger toward the biased depiction of the terror attack.
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Friday, December 4th, 2015 at 9:25 AM  | Stand for Israel

Evidence Suggests San Bernardino Attack Was Terrorism

(Photo: facebook)
(Photo: facebook)
As the American people mourn those lost in this week’s horrific shooting in San Bernardino, California, the motive for the attack has not yet been officially given. However, Israel Hayom reports, evidence suggests that terrorism was the reason for the tragedy:
Though the circumstances that led to Wednesday’s shocking massacre in California are still uncertain, investigators have begun looking into the possibility that the San Bernardino shooting attack that left 14 dead was a carefully planned act of terrorism.
According to reports out of the U.S., one of the shooters, Syed Rizwan Farook, had links to radical Islamists both in America and abroad. Still, authorities are unsure if the brutal attack was motivated by Islamist beliefs, but have not ruled out the possibility that it was a terrorist attack.

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Friday, December 4th, 2015 at 8:45 AM  | Stand for Israel

ISIS Chief Meets with Hamas

(Photo: Channel 2 screenshot)
(Photo: Channel 2 screenshot)
As the Islamic State (ISIS) carries out terror attacks around the world, broadcasts brutal executions, and increases its spread across the Middle East, the world realizes this is an evil foe that must be defeated. However, the terror organizations threatening Israel and her people are still not seen in the same way. Now, The Times of Israel reports that ISIS is now planning to collaborate with Hamas, as its Sinai chief is in Gaza for what was to be a secret meeting between the two terrorist groups:
The commander of Islamic State forces in the Sinai is currently on what was intended to be a secret visit to the Gaza Strip, meeting with Hamas terror leaders to widen their cooperation and coordinate attacks on Egyptian and Israeli targets, Israeli television reported Thursday.
Shadi al-Menei is meeting with leaders of the Hamas military wing, and discussing the ongoing supply of weapons sought by Hamas, the Channel 2 TV report said.
For its part, Hamas has smuggled weaponry from Gaza to al-Menei’s terror group in Sinai, including Cornet anti-tank missiles, which have caused heavy losses to Egypt, including considerable loss of life, at least one naval vessel and numerous tanks and armored personnel carriers, Channel 2 news said.
Al-Menei has also been responsible for occasional incidences of rocket fire from the Sinai on the Israeli southern resort town of Eilat, the TV report said.
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Friday, December 4th, 2015 at 8:38 AM  | Stand for Israel

IAEA Report Proves Iran’s Secret Plan to Build Nukes

(Photo: wikicommons/ Fastfission)
(Photo: wikicommons/ Fastfission)
On Wednesday, the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released a report that concluded a decade of investigations into Iran’s nuclear program. Israel Hayom reports that, not surprisingly, despite Iran’s claims to the contrary, it has pursued nuclear weapons:
In response to the IAEA report, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office released a statement, saying, “The IAEA report proved beyond any doubt that Iran had a secret plan to develop nuclear weapons, even after 2003, as Israel said. The report also revealed Iran’s techniques of deception and concealment in all areas connected with its nuclear program.
“Israel expects the international community to continue and deepen the IAEA investigation into these issues. And to use all the means at their disposal in order to ensure that Iran cannot secretly build nuclear weapons. Without concluding this investigation the world will not know the source of Iran’s secret plan and what its current status is.”
National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Minister Yuval Steinitz (Likud) said, “The report raises serious suspicions that Iran has continued, even recently, its efforts to hide [its military nuclear activities]. … Although the report states that Iran halted its bomb development mechanism already in 2009, it is far from comforting. This is because the document highlights recent Iranian efforts to hide its military nuclear activities, and accuses it of trying to disrupt the investigation. The report should not to be used as an all-clear siren, but to remind us that Iran is a nuclear threat.”

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Friday, December 4th, 2015 at 8:02 AM  | Stand for Israel

Four IDF Troops Wounded in Three Terror Attacks

(Photo: Magen David Adom)
(Photo: Magen David Adom)
As has been the case in recent weeks, this Friday has seen an increase in terror attacks on Israelis. Yediot Achronot’s Elisha Ben Kimon reports on three separate incidents already today – two stabbings and a car-ramming – that have injured four IDF soldiers:
Two Israeli soldiers were lightly wounded in a vehicular attack in the West Bank in the afternoon hours, marking the third Palestinian attack on Friday.
Four attackers were killed by security forces in the separate incidents, and four Israelis were wounded in total.
Prior to the vehicular attack, another Israeli soldier was lightly wounded in a stabbing attack near Ramallah in the West Bank and Palestinian perpetrator was shot and killed by security forces on the scene…
The incident occurred in the midst of riots in the area against Israeli authorities.
Two Palestinians also stabbed and lightly wounded an IDF soldier in Hebron early Friday morning, before they were shot and killed by security forces.

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Friday, December 4th, 2015 at 7:38 AM  | Stand for Israel

Terror Attacks Continue in Israel


Another terror attack happened in Jerusalem this week, as an official from the Palestinian Authority security forces shot a civilian and an IDF solider. Both survived, but the attacker was killed. It was two months ago this week that an Israeli couple was gunned down in their car while driving with their four children. That attack set off the current wave of terrorism throughout Israel.
Also this week in Israel in the News:
• Israel expressed its condolences to the victims and their families of the recent shooting in San Bernadino, California, where 14 died.
• Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the U.N. Global Warming summit in Paris, saying Israel will be a global leader in addressing climate change.
The Fellowship has launched a new emergency security program for Jewish communities in Paris.
• Israel is working with The United Arab Emirates to develop renewable energy.
This week’s Israel in the News Perspective features The Fellowship’s founder and President Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein on lessons we can learn from Hanukkah.

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