Monday, July 15, 2013

Grape Starter Plants For Sale or Trade

Grapes are easy to grow, easy to start and full of anti-oxidants.  Once you start, they will produce for years to come.  Enjoy growing your own grapes.  Its easy to do & very rewarding.  Grow your own.

Grape Starter Plants Healthy & Ready To Go!!! Good Stock. Easy to Grow!!! 

When is the best time to plant Grapes or anything else ? 
1 year ago and if not then Do IT Now as Nike says!!! 
Willing to barter other plants trade or $1.00  per plant ........ Grow FAST. EASY TO GROW.

Please Include your # :: Call or Text 484 482 3292

 thank you. Hurry!!! LImited Supply. First come First Served.

Looking to trade plants, herbs & flowers!!!

Thank YOU!!!!

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