Monday, July 8, 2013

Best of Delco at Rose Tree Park Concerts

Delaware County Summer Festival
in Rose Tree Park

Summer Festival at Rose Tree Park Amphitheater
Rose Tree Park Amphitheater
(Route 252 and Rose Tree Road)
Summer Festival 2013
It's Here....the Summer 2013 Summer Fesitval !
June 19 to August 18
To receive it by mail, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
Parks & Recreation
Attn.: Summer Festival Programs
201 W. Front St.
Government Center Bldg.
Media, PA, 19063
Eager for another great season of entertainment?
Mark your calendars…....and grab your blankets and chairs. It's time to enjoy another summer full of spectacular performances on the hillside. Concessions are sold at all concerts or you may bring your own tasty provisions. Please remember that alcoholic beverages are prohibited throughout the park, and for everyone's safety and comfort, pets and smoking must remain outside the amphitheater.
There is no admission charge for the concerts. The concerts are brought to you by Delaware County Council and the generous support of our sponsors (see list below).
What happens if it rains?
There are no rain dates for Summer Festival concerts that are cancelled due to inclement weather. Cancellation decisions are made right up until show time. At that time, there will be a recorded message on the parks phone (610-891-4455) indicating the show is cancelled. Rain in the hours preceding the show does not mean the show will be cancelled. Every effort is made to ensure the safety of the audience. If a thunder storm takes place, the concert will be ended.
All performances begin at 7:30 pm unless otherwise noted.
Our 2013 Corporate Sponsors
Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union
Monarch Staffing
White Horse Village
Sound Design
Philadelphia Song Writers
Lions Recycle
Arthur J. Gallagher
Rose Tree Inn

Concert Band
For more information contact:
Marc Manfre, Director of Parks & Recreation
Attn.: Summer Festival
201 W. Front St.
Government Center Bldg.
Media, PA, 19063

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